Home / ConsortiumConsortiumProject CoordinatorVUB Evergi research groupFlagship Valley coordinatorNEC New energy coalition Partners AIT Austrian institute of technology GMBH Alliander CERTH center for research & technology Hellas CIRCE - Research Centre DDS Streekregisseurs Deep Blue Italy Duurzaam Heiloo Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology EUREC - Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centres Gemeente Alkmaar HVC Energie en Hergebruik Hynoca INVESTA Expertise Centrum KONIN Tu Plynie Energia Kozani Municipality Holzwelt Murau NAPE National Energy Conservation Agency NXT Mobility Repowered RI.SE Research Institutes of Sweden STOFF2 Electrolyzers for Green Hydrogen Sustenso Sustainable Environmental Solutions TNO Innovation for Life TU Delft Withthegrid - Monitoring & Flexibility Solutions